Sunday, March 27, 2011

Breastfeeding and its associated ...

Baby Hanan cheeks..with applied "Bedak Amoi/Nyonya" Alhamdulillah setelah 3 weeks plus...breastfeeding has gradually becoming a rewarding experience for me..I know for some mothers breastfeeding is just easy (no big deal) but it is a big & serious issue for me especially am borned with flat & inverted cubaan kali ketiga (3rd baby) in my attempt to breastfeed exclusively as the previous 2 baby was filled with devastating & dissapointing (nipple confused, sore nipples bla..bla..)experience..yelah you want to give the best for your baby & you milk is the best food the the lil ones.... It's amazing as initially you thought that everything will takes place naturally..but for me breastfeeding requires lots of work, persistence, determination and most importantly knowledge..puas surfing all kind of infos in the internet including videos in You tube to make sure that latching is okay, what kind of foods to eat, positioning etc..etc..nak harap your partner well..he is supporting in ways that he knows..not that am saying he's not there..but it is actually more of the mutual effort between the mom & baby of course with dad's understanding and tender care in providing the good food so that mommy can produce enough supply.. Now baby Hanan is 5 weeks and happily growing..he is now 4.6kg and gradually gaining..however ader lah a few asssociated problems..the fist few weeks am suffering with sore & cracked nipples..fever because of engorged breast..and now after a month..his cheek is now infected by this rashes..some says it because of the breastmilk (ruam susu) and some says it is because of the heat..takpelah slowly we take it one step at a time..but deep down inside am truly proud of myself..I've achieve my goal in breastfeeding my own baby..thanks to huby & mom yang truly there helping around so that I can achieve this goal..insyaAllah semoga dipermudahkanNya..

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