Friday, March 4, 2011

40+4..7th Wedding Anniversary Gift

Selamat datang permata hati..anak kami yg ketiga..selamat dilahirkan tanggal 21hb Feb (18 rabiulawwal) jam 5.00pm..
Inilah pengalaman melahirkan anak yang serius tak pakai painkiller or instrument aid..he was comfortably staying in my womb sampai 40 weeks + 4 days..tak moh keluar..maybe selesa betul we have decided in consultation with the O&G to induce the labor on this celebrated day...
I was admitted into the ward around 10.00am..then started to feel labor pain from 12.30 noon onwards..contraction starts from intervals of 20, then 10 then 5 and eventually every 3/2 min..sakitnya Allah saja yg tahu..but am very lucky to have hubby and mom beside me all the way through the birthing process..
This birth kali ini tak pakai any painkiller or birth instrument aid as opposed to my previous 2 labors..but based on this experience,I felt my body can heal faster and I can quickly come to my senses berbanding masa epidural during the 1st labor with Jaja..Alhamdulillah..praise to Allah kerana semuanya selamat...
Now, challenge berikutnya ialah untuk melalui saat berpantang and most importantly to establish breastfeeding..wish me luck! Semoga Allah memudahkan urusanku...
So, to my dear babies..inilah pengorbanan setiap ibu yang melahir dan mendidik amanah Allah..ingatlah ye dan semiga jadi orang yang berjaya di dunia & akhirat!!

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