Saturday, July 25, 2009

Offshore Trip ,SD 2009-Part 1

23rd Jul 2004

Perjalanan ke offshore bermula hari ni...kerja punya pasal, tinggallah hubby dan anak2 ku di rumah..moga2 mereka selamat dan tidak membuat perangai yg menyebabkan hubbyku hilang sabar..hehhe

Seawal 5am dah bangun..bersiap2 dan solat Subuh..then taxi yg di charter dah siap tunggu membawaku ker airport Miri...settle check-in dan boarding, dlm 4o minute dah sampai KK..nasib baiklah jumpa geng so ader gak kwn berborak....
Touch down KK, terus ader taxi tunggu, nasib baik dtg dgn kawan tadi so destinasi seterusnya pi makan indian food, nasi daun pisang and kari kapla ikan...perghh, punyalah jakun dah lama tak jumpa real indian food, so makan tak pandang kiri kanan...

Then, perjalanan ker Kota Belud hotel bermula..sampai2 jer terus kena terjah dgn TA kat sana..dia bagitau kena pergi barge straight away..alamak ni yang lemah ni..ingatkan bolehlah rilek2..

So, around 2pm, bertolak ker Usukan jetty..then perjalanan ker tgh laut yang den lomah ni..mintak2 takdelah aku mabuk laut!!

Ni pemandangan dari dlm bas..

We are crossing the bridge..

Experienced driver in action..tiap2 hari angkut crew pi jetty..
Dlm sejam lebih sampai kami ker Emerald barge..waktu tu dlm kol 4 lebih petang..crew2 yang nak balik ker onshore dah stand-by tunggu..tau2 jumpa kwn satu office a lady engineer and she mentioned she was kicked out from the barge..halamak..apa sudah jadi?? apa mcm planner yang book kitorang punya bedding?? mesti somewhere along the line someone screw up..after several kecoh2 dan discussion, barulah dpt tahu yang ladies crew bedding for this trip was not exact word, it was last minute notification although nama dah ader since day 1 planning...hmm, apa nak buat orang lain screw up kita yang kena tanggung..

so, apa lagi patah lah balik to, that is the end of day 1..makan angin free atas boat..hampeh betul!! nasib baik takder mabuk!!
Besok, bermula satu perjalanan yang pastinya memenatkan...hampeh, terpaksalah kitorang ulang alik this time...God, give me the strength..

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Kunjungan Teman Ke Miri -Nani & Dr Edwin

Time: 7pm

Venue: Cafe Rosita -Dynasty Hotel, Miri

This 2 dearly friends used to work with us in the same department..but currently they both have ventured to other companies/outfit..The lady (Nanie) was one of our dear friend who has now moved to Qatar working with a Gas company there while the gentleman Dr Edwin, currently reside in KL with Shell Deepwater section..

It was a fun session catching up with old stories and new development in both career and life..seronok betul bila dapat Note Qatar Riyal 50 for a souvenir..hahaha, and I felt inspired with these 2 friends when we heard about their success and exciting life outside Miri..especially working as an expatriate in foreign land..emmm...
One day InsyaAllah, jika ader rezeki will be on the same par with them hopefully..Ameen.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Making Decision....

Life is about making decision..every step of the way..anything you do, from food that you eat, from clothes that you wear, to whom you got married, to where you anything and everything...semuanya bergantung kepada your decision..yes Qada dah Qadar telah termaktub sejak dari Lauh Mahfuz, tapi for each junction, God has given you your own will to make that choice...then segalanya will take its own course once you have make that's like in a matrix where each choice lead to a certain event and stories....

I am certainly the most helpless person when it comes to making decision...dari kecik sampai la ni...memang kalau boleh nak elak sangat, tapi you just has to choose and make a stand...itu yang den lomah mom has always given me a great strength and support during these times although she did not know the subject, but her restu and prayers helped me a lot..the usual advice given, buatlah solat istikharah setelah berusaha sebaik mungkin mencari dan meneroka maklumat utk membuat keputusan...tu lah azimat yang ku pegang sejak dari bangku sekolah lagi...tapi is easier said than done...

For me, making decision is never easy..I had problem from selecting the type of course that I want to do in the university level, I had problem in choosing what type of job I want to do, when I accepted the proposal from my beloved hubby pun I had tough time to decide to say yes..maybe my head is filled with "what if? " questions..

Hmmm, needless to say that am a person without my own opinion...because everytime I set to do something, it always turn up to be different...or I end up doing something that I've always wanted to's more of making the best out of every item that pass in front of you or forced upon you...that is more like it!! Tuhan itu Maha Kaya dan Maha Mengetahui setiap zarah di muka bumi ni..and I strongly believe if it did not happen as what you have planned, there is always a reason/hikmah as Dia yang Maha mengatur segalanya..

This is basically reflection from past experience in my life..during Uni time a group of us has always dreamt of doing Food Tech and flew to UK because six of us just loved Biology subject..berangan nak pergi belajar ala2 Cinta Dua Benua..but crash in 97 had crushed that dream to pieces..and I end up doing Chem Eng in a local private Uni (which at that time is out of nowhere) and having to learn the most hated subjects there... hikmahnya, Allah itu Maha Pengasih..Dia telah mengatur kehidupan yang lebih baik selepas itu..and now although aku tidak dapat terbang sendiri waktu belajar, I end up flying with syle masa berkerja..Subhanallah, "mana satu nikmat Tuhan yang hendak kamu dustakan"..Ar-Rahman..

When I did transferred to EP environment in 2004, that was never planned..I mean going offshore and having to work in the most extreme environment..hahaha, tak pernah dijangkakan tapi byk pengalaman yang dapat ku timba.. am still surviving till now

So now, it comes to making another decision to move forward..and this time, it is not only affecting me, it affects the whole family including our, Ya Allah, permudahkanlah diriku dan keluargaku dlm membuat keputusan ini..kerana sesungguhNya Engkau yang Maha Mengetahui Segalanya...Hambamu ini tidak mengetahui dan sgt kerdil di sisiMu...Engkaulah yang mengatur segalanya...Engkaulah yang Maha Berkuasa..

Decision apa tu? the meantime, let's just keep it to myself...when things are quite firm up, will be putting another entry..

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Swimming Class - Ladies Only

Another attempt for Work Life Balance...

me and a few ladies has formed a pack..we all have organized a series of special swimming class catered for ladies only..bukannya takder kelas biasa kat KRP (Kelab Rekreasi Petroleum)..tapi bercampur lelaki dan perempuan and worse of all campur budak2sekali....previously I joined the normal class for RM 60 (6 classes)...tapi campur budak2 lah..jaki jer tgk dorang swimming dgn begitu confident while kita yang takut air ni tercangak2 telan air kat tepi kolam...hahahah

So, early July, we make a special arrangement dgn cikgu2/instructor kat situ (Cikgu Tomas dan Jailani) utk ajar mak2 orang/ladies yang takut air ni sampai pandai...the fee after tough negotiation lead by our dear friend Amy Chong is RM 130 for 8 class (every Sun 8-9 pm and Mon 7-8 pm)...oklah tu, suit our timing for mommy yang sentiasa sibuk dgn kerjaya dan rumah..

So bermulalah routine baru dgn semangat yang dah kira pandai kick, hand and still struggle nak breathe bila altogether....doakan semoga akak pandai ok..

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sakit Mata..

Last Friday nite , tiba2 jer Jaja punya mata merah and bengkak..kita dah suspect, ni mesti sakit mata ni..tanya punya tanya, dia kata kawan kat sekolah, Tiffany sakit mata..hmmm, sah ni mesti menjangkit ni..and the next victim, mesti adik dia...

so, the next morning bwklah pergi Klinik Harmoni tu..pagi2 around 8.30am, terus bwk..kat sana semua staff dia pakai face mask..ish rasa conscious pulak..yelah sejak ader 1 confirmed case H1N1 disahkan kat Miri, takut jugak..risau pun ada..Ya Allah selamatkanlah kami sekeluarga dari penyakit2 berbahaya ni..
Petang Sabtu tu, adik dia Haikal dah mula mata berair dan penuh taik mata..sah dah berjangkit mangsa no 2..

Pagi Ahad, bangun2 jer mata Haikal 2-2 biji bengkak dan merah..habis sembab muka dibuatnya anak mama dua-dua..kesian betul..kadang2 geram gak dgn cikgu kinder dia ni..dah ada budak sakit mata, bagi jugak attend sekolah...dah merebak camni, kan dah susah..rasanya this year, dah byk kali MC budak2, tak masuk HFMD punya kes...tapi bila fikir2, kadang -kadang cikgu ni terpaksa sbb parents kata takder orang nak jaga while they're at, itulah dilemma..tak hantar sekolah..anak kita lambat pulak belajar, bila hantar, macam2 pulak penyakit bawak balik...susah..susah..

The next Monday, kita pulak yang terasa semacam...mata mula rasa cam nak bengkak..msk tengahari, mula start merah dan berair and still the same condition sampai kol, I decided to just head of to the clinic to confirm...Jumpa Dr Nik and she said yes, you need to stay at giving you 2 days MC..alamak...there goes my swimming class petang ni..hmmm

So, now berkurung lah kat rumah kami bertiga...uwaaaa

Sunday, July 12, 2009

POCO2 and LINE DANCE..Tune in Every Wednesday@4.30 PM

Sejak dua menjak ni, pasang azam baru..yelah kita ni asyik dok buat routine yang sama..pi kerja, balik kerja, masak, spend time dgn my two twinkles etc..etc..takdok social life last few months ader lagi satu EI (Employee Info.), dorang nak organize the above class..every Wednesday..cantek..buat kat Mulu Hall, huh senang jer.. tinggal turun bawah jer takyah dok drive gi venue outside apa lagi, kita pun sign up lah..

So, bermula lah routine from June hari tu..every Wednesday 4.30 pm, di Mulu Hall...seronok beb sbb ader 2 instructor yang mmg ligat..tgk gaya pun tahu ni mesti kaki ronggeng muda2 dulu..kita ni apa lagi..memang suka menari walaupun tak pandai,.,tapi ader gak time2 darjah 5 & 6 dulu wakil sekolah di Pesta Muzik Sekolah2 Negeri Selangor dlm acara tarian dan terflash back lah jugak zaman kegemilangan aqak dulu..

The interesting part ada jugak gents yang join..walaupun keras, tapi buleh tahan gak mamat tu and very sporting...siap amik video dan gambar lagi..

nilah instructor dia..Shiew Ling and another Korean lady (in pink)..kaki memang ligat...
anyways, for me dapat berpeluh tu kira oklah..siap dok dlm aircond selalu pun tak bagus..dulu ada gak join aerobics tapi strenous sgt..reput 2 tulangku...pastu join Yoga..separuh jalan pulak bila keluar fatwa yoga, this is my last resort for my Work Life Balance...kena paksa diri woo get out from the office seat ni utk attend...hahaha, so far so good!!
ni steps for the cha cha dance..enjoy!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Life is Beautiful - Acrylic Painting Workshop bersama 'Yusof Gajah'

Last weekend (4th Jul 09), bertempat di Pustaka Miri, berlangsung buat julung2 kalinya an acrylic painting workshop anjuran Kelab Ansara..although me and hubby bukannya member (kita ni bekas budak tajaan JPA jer bang), tapi nyibuklah jugak sbb kwn2 suma join..lagipun my twinkles mmg suka lah kerja2 painting and mengotorkan tangan dan baju ni...

So, around 8 am plus, bertolak and registered kat entrance hall tu..i must admit, dah nak dkt 7 tahun dok kat miri, tapi tak pernak masuk Pustaka Miri ni..chech, apa punya Miri citizen ni..heheheh

Then, acara pun bermula dgn majlis ucapan oleh VIP and guest of honor the famous artist 'Yusof Gajah' be frank since am not so familiar with the painting world, so takdelah kenal pun dia ni..but I heard he is famous for his artwork resolving around painting 'elephant' as his trademark..below is some of his work...(check his blog)

Buat base dulu..apa2 hal pose dulu sementara tunggu cat kering..dorang ni buat gambar platform..apa lagi kalau dah keje Shell tu..sure nak bodek boss la ni..hehehhehe

For this workshop, each family diberi satu canvas berukuran kecil around 7"x7" (tak sempat nak ukur time tu) and we have to produce one. At the same time, each family kena form a team (3 family dlm satu team) and produce 1 masterpiece (see above photo), for auction /charity...konon nak auction, amatur punya production laa...agak2 boleh sell ka dlm 80K..ahhahhah

The most important thing that day -we all had fun!! semua kaum ibu, bapa and kids were having the time of their life...mencurahkan emotional expression masing2 di atas canvas...the kids especially were thrilled!!

Ni family Meor-Miza..tgh buat lukisan di tepi pantai..

Ni family Yazid-Masnin (jiran sebelah masa tu)..

Artis popular ..bakal ganti Yusof Gajah kot!

Ni lah hasil kami...pemandangan Kampungku dan di Tepi Pantai!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Jom Belajar Lagi: NIOSH Authorized Confine Space Entry Course

Last week, was in Bintulu for 3 nights..mission: to obtain license from NIOSH to be an "Authorized confine space entry personnel"!

So, me and another friend stayed at the New World Suite hotel..relatively hotel baru di Bintulu.. impressed..bilik dia besar and comfortable...

state of the art bathroom..sila abaikan gambar berus gigi di atas..
wah sejak ku tinggalkan Bintulu last 5 years, makin maju..aderlah satu Pakcity Mall yang kiranya canggihlah kat sana..ader Watsons, Guardian, Bodyshop..teringat zaman mula2 kerja di SMDS dulu..weekend jer setakat Farley supermarket and kedai kat Tmn Medan jer yg ku redah to kill the time..kira tak malu lah nak ngaku orang Bintulu skrg...heheheh
So, course ni dah kira mandatorylah for those who needs to enter the any confine space area e.g. vessel, columns, tanks etc. (requirement by the OSHA Act 1964), because there will be shutdown for the field that is under my care, so terpaksalah aku attend utk mendapatkan license utk enter those vessel/separators yang akan diperiksa suma nak dapatkan certificate of fitness lah for LTO..ahhaha, kalau tidak mahu boss melompat..rugi million2 kalau tak start up complex ASAP..
so, bermulalah journey dari Miri airport ke Bintulu, naik kapal terbang kecik..there is only one flight a day for this route pagi, mmg takder chancelah kalau nak buat day-trip..sampai Bintulu lebih kurang pukul 8 pagi lepas check-in, tu pun tak dpt masuk bilik sbb awal pagi org belum, pi lah breakfast dului..nasib baik ader kaki geng sekali yg attend sama course..kalu tidak boleh mati kutu..
lepas breakfast, we all survey tempat course, cari NIOSH office..selidik punya selidik, hmmm sepelaung jer..punyalah dekat dgn hotel..dlm 5 min walks...hahah, so we are considered lucky lah stay kat hotel ni, tak yah charter taxi...
The next day course pun bermula..tu pun lambat dlm sejamlah instructor tu...tak tahulah pasal apa..tapi he is okay cause very knowledgable...sempat jumpa Munir (kwn sekelas) ex-SMDS friend dulu..hehe, tak sangka dah kawin dah mamat tu anak sorang...ahhaha
then, mula series lecture sampai tersengguk2...nasib baik petang buat practical, belajar cara2 don the SACB set..SACB set ni kira one of the breathing apparatus...and practise utk exam besok harinya...rupa2 course ni ader both written and practical, jenuh lah pulak nak kena study malam nya...gosh look at the code of practice book rasa cam nak muntah jer...hmmmmmm
so, the next day bermulalah test written -10MCQ, ader jugak yg tak tahu jwb..bila dah msk bab TWA, STEL,how many ppm etc..etc..halamak mulalah pening nak jawab...
lepaih tu, we were divided into groups to do the procedure for entrance as part of the jenuhlah berdiskusi with team members nak buat usual kita ni mmg sukalah buat2 JHA (Job Hazard Analysis), apa lagi mulalah design satu table..ahhaha, amik ko, kalau tak dapat markah penuh tak tahulah..
Ni lah rupanya SCBA tu..berat gak cylinder dia..

Then finally we are paired up to do the practical assessment..apa lagi nasib baik dpt one gentleman ni, so kita pun startlah don the SCBA tu secara berkumpulan..nasib baik dah practise, so takdelah gelabah sgt..siap bernafas for a few minutes..dah tu buat housekeeping..bersihkan face mask, release all the fasteners and tali2 tu...kalau tak buat potong markah..dlm pukul 11 lebih..siap,then terus lunch dekat course venue...
Then, we all round2 area Pakcity commercial centre tu..siap beli tudung baru 2 pasang..haha, kalau dah kaki shopping memang tak boleh nak tolong...
so, now kenalah menunggu results...kalau tak lepas, kenalah amik exam lagi..hopefully I'll pass and get the license..otherwise, menepek jerlah tepi vessel tu time shutdown nanti..ahhaha