Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Centennial Dinner -Sempena 100 Yrs Shell Ops in Miri

Date: 2/10/2010

Acara kali ni julung2 kali diadakan oleh company tempat akak bekerja..ingatkan takder celebration sbb earlier prelude celebration a couple of months tah apa2 tah ..setakat buat kat foyer and lobby area and staff di bagi makan muffins and kuih kuih jer..

Tapi 2nd ceremony of celebration kali ni am impressed beb...tak sangka AJK yg organize benda ni dapat men"justify" to management boleh jemput artis bagai..kalau tidak memang takdelah..nama jer work in multinational company, tapi bab2 celebration or recognition ni kalau boleh they will try to keep it to the minimum..cost savinglah katakan..dah berzaman2 this external company buat untung hasil bahan mineral dari Bumi Malaysia ni tapi kalau dah dasar bangsa pe*%&$$#%h" tu, sampai mana pun masih dorang nak untung berlipat ganda punya...untung we have good NOC yang control depa2 ni..
All in all, memang grand lah together will all the artiste troup booked all the way dari KL..MC malam tu is Stephanie Chai and a DJ from Mix FM (if not mistaken)..

So, kebetulan hari tu birthday my son, so kira tumpang skali lah ni..we decided to postponed the birthday celebration to another weekend..
So, Mak long & the rest, enjoy the pic(s).

Custom made cake..

Pertunjukan 10 minute bunga api ..dengar cite habis berjuta gaklah..

Versi lain kek 100 tahun anniversary...

Ferhad siap ckp pusing Miri 20min jer habis..

Short comedy sitkom from "Comedy Court"

Clows & fire spectaculars --penyeri majlis

Artis malaysia..Noryn..not bad English dia..

Band..tah tak tahu nama..

Our round table

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