Saturday, October 30, 2010

Year End Kindy's Concert 2010

Date: 30/10/10

Venue: Eastwood Valley Golf & Country Club, Miri

Yesterday was the best inaugural event for our family..out first kids' school a young parents (kononlah young), this is the first concert yang kami attend..of course mak pak mmg excited...budak2 has been making preparation/practices since a month now it's time to celebrate...

The event started at around, after make up and dress-up, budak2 dah sedia..and the interesting part the emcee & kids yang jadi main player..(running the whole show) of course with the teachers' guidance/control lah..

Acara di mulakan dgn opening acts from the 2 little cute M.C, then followed by doa by ustaz cilik (their friends jugaklah)..then ada poem recital, dancing act "Nobody" song, followed by a performance of musical instrument by of course the young & bright kids..then ader a few nasyid songs..di selang seli with video montage slide shows by the cikgu sementara budak2 tukar baju..

Paling best, the ending act was a dance lagu 'Cindai' where budak2 was dancing and having their great time..mak pak budak2 yg over sampai dok kat bwh betul2 depan stage nak amik gambar/video..

Last but not least was the graduation for kids yang akan melangkah ke tahun 1 next year..masing2 dgn jubah n topi..and presentation of the trophies for the best Jaja won the "best reader" in her category...Alhamdulillah..

Hopefully this will be a good beginning for a more and more fun and memorable event to come...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Selamat Ulang Tahun Anakku..

Date 16th Oct 2010..

Haikal's Birthday 2nd Oct..tapi because hari tu ader company dinner, and the following weeks ader jer kerja and pergi business trip, maka sambutan pun terpaksa di postponed ker tarikh di atas..tu pun anakku yg sorang ni dok tanya bila nak buat birthday dia..kesian gak akak dgr sbb birthday dia we all takder buat sambutan mkn2 ajak kengkawan before this..cuma sambut within family this time around, we decided to give him a treat..siap si kakak Jaja buat list jemput kengkawan dorang..hmm..

This year tah macam mana boley semangat lak nak masak2 for the above event..padahal nak ikutkan dgn perut besarku, mmg tak larats!..tapi because last time catering pun food cam kureng skt rasanya, akak decided msk sendirilah..mujur ader pembantuku yg bersemangat sama tolong kat dapur...kiranya dia buat 60% out of the whole work...syukur...ada sorang hamba Allah ni tolong..

Menu : Nasi ayam, ayam goreng rempah, beehoon sup & bergedil, spaghetti, desert honey dew + susu cair & buahan campuran, air hijau special..and kudapan: keropok sayur..

Alhamdulillah, everything went well..Haikal, Jaja and their friends really enjoyed themselves..and of course gembira dpt hadiah dari kengkawan..
So Mak Long & family kat sana..enjoy the photos!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Centennial Dinner -Sempena 100 Yrs Shell Ops in Miri

Date: 2/10/2010

Acara kali ni julung2 kali diadakan oleh company tempat akak bekerja..ingatkan takder celebration sbb earlier prelude celebration a couple of months tah apa2 tah ..setakat buat kat foyer and lobby area and staff di bagi makan muffins and kuih kuih jer..

Tapi 2nd ceremony of celebration kali ni am impressed beb...tak sangka AJK yg organize benda ni dapat men"justify" to management boleh jemput artis bagai..kalau tidak memang takdelah..nama jer work in multinational company, tapi bab2 celebration or recognition ni kalau boleh they will try to keep it to the minimum..cost savinglah katakan..dah berzaman2 this external company buat untung hasil bahan mineral dari Bumi Malaysia ni tapi kalau dah dasar bangsa pe*%&$$#%h" tu, sampai mana pun masih dorang nak untung berlipat ganda punya...untung we have good NOC yang control depa2 ni..
All in all, memang grand lah together will all the artiste troup booked all the way dari KL..MC malam tu is Stephanie Chai and a DJ from Mix FM (if not mistaken)..

So, kebetulan hari tu birthday my son, so kira tumpang skali lah ni..we decided to postponed the birthday celebration to another weekend..
So, Mak long & the rest, enjoy the pic(s).

Custom made cake..

Pertunjukan 10 minute bunga api ..dengar cite habis berjuta gaklah..

Versi lain kek 100 tahun anniversary...

Ferhad siap ckp pusing Miri 20min jer habis..

Short comedy sitkom from "Comedy Court"

Clows & fire spectaculars --penyeri majlis

Artis malaysia..Noryn..not bad English dia..

Band..tah tak tahu nama..

Our round table